Dealing with life lessons

QUESTION: Masters, I have been dealing with chronic debilitating nerve pain. A cousin recommended a healer that helped her and her husband with several health issues. The healer thought my nerve pain was due to a dysfunction in my stomach. He recommended a plant supplement, maca. This removed my pain for several weeks, but the pain returned. I had many long-distance healing sessions with him, but my nerve pain remained. He had known many things about me that he could not have researched. So, I was surprised that I didn’t receive healing. May I ask, what went wrong in this situation? ~Anne, USA

[In compliance with US law, the Spirit Masters do not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions. Their observations are spirit-based and concern life lessons. Readers may like to review details of the Masters’ booklet/ebook on healing.]

ANSWER:  A number of things have occurred here. First, you are dealing with a life lesson in which it is up to you to figure out why your unconscious believes you need to experience this pain. Hint: it has to do with guilt from some of your actions in a past life where you inflicted pain on others. Second, you have had difficulties with your body integrating nutrition, and that is why the maca worked only until your life lesson overpowered it. Be kind to your body.

When you have a powerful lesson and try to circumvent it by finding some way to cope with the alert signs in another fashion, your unconscious higher self will not let you just ignore it. At first, it thinks maybe you are dealing with the warning signs so that the problem is easier to see, but then when you don’t attack the initial cause, it helps reinforce the issue.

This is a spiritual, or life-learning journey, puzzle. The way to approach understanding is to ask yourself each time the pain appears: What is it that I am feeling deep inside? What am I fixated on? Go beneath the physical sensations themselves into the mental, emotional body. If a picture, a saying, a memory pops up, follow it to its origin.

Finding the causative action may happen during a deep meditation, a brief flashback, a déjà vu experience, or under hypnosis. Examining your state of mind at the time of the initial incident will allow you to see what has stuck around to cause you this reaction today. You need to examine forgiveness for yourself, removal of guilt, and other issues such as betrayal and abandonment.

The pain is like a ringing telephone. The noise is to get your attention and have you answer the call to see what you might be missing. Find the connections, understand them, and then you can reset your body to stop being a signaling device.