Following your instinct to create reality

QUESTION: Masters, I’ve worked for the same employer for 23 years – in different roles. I had a burn out a year ago, and I’m still slightly depressed. I have a strong feeling that it’s time to move on, to quit my job and start a new life, create a career as self-employed. I have an idea that I ought to help my dear 70-year-old mother, who is a lightworker, seer and artist, to bring out and publish the spiritual material she does to greater awareness by online courses, audiobooks, e-books, videos, seminars etc. I also want to grow mentally and spiritually. I’m scared to quit my job and jump to unknown… Am I on the right track? How will my future look like? Shall my family and I cope financially if I choose the new path? Is this meant to happen? What do I need to do? ~Tytti, Finland

ANSWER: There are no absolutes on a spiritual journey; in other words, things are not preordained, and there is not only one way that you planned to proceed through life. Each soul has total freedom of choice as to how human life is accomplished. You are correct that you have completed everything that is possible in your current work environment.

When a person is switching from one mission into another, it can be done by stopping one and starting the next or it can be a gradual change. Since you have not been involved in creating a platform for your mother before, you should consider doing it one step at a time to see if it suits your work abilities and if it is what your mother needs. You could outline the programs to get a feeling for how to present them to draw in the most people. Any development could start in a piecemeal fashion.

Engaging in daily contact with this work will help you grow mentally and spiritually. Once you have found a way to present the materials, you will be able to see how the marketing would look. It is important to have a ready audience in order to realize a financial base for this business. There is a need for this type of teaching, but the presentation is vital to success. Working on the beginnings on a part-time basis will let you still bring in a salary while creating your empire. Soon you will find yourself able to switch and sell programs full time.