What does it mean?

QUESTION: Masters, I keep listening to many spiritual lectures and I have come across these terms repeatedly like 1- “Accepting what is” 2- “surrender” 3-“love & fear vibration” 4-“situations are shadows of our own belief system” My request is for you to please explain the above terms in the analogies or examples. ~Zeen, India

ANSWER: One of the unfortunate realities of the current understanding and teaching within spiritual lectures is the lack of a consensus of opinion as to the meaning of terminology and the methods needed to achieve a state of “spirituality.” Human beings exist within a duality of equal parts negative and positive energies. These conflicting energies allow each person to make choices as to how they are going to live their lives and what they are going to create as a reality.

“Accepting what is,” also sometimes referred to as “living in the now,” is a reference to acknowledging the things you draw to yourself so that you might learn from experiencing them. If you do not admit to yourself what you are dealing with, you cannot learn from it. And if you spend all of your time thinking about what has happened in the past, or what you think you will do in the future, you are not observant about what is facing you to work through.

Most of the time the word “surrender” is used, it refers to acknowledging what is happening whether or not you want to. It is human nature to deny something you don’t want to deal with or to ignore its existence. Surrendering to the reality of your situation allows you to work with it and learn from it.

“Love and fear vibration” refers to the only two true emotions that can be felt by the human body. Love is the epitome of positive energy, and all else is negative, appearing in various forms of fear. Working though to spiritual enlightenment, you seek to obtain a state of love. Watching and dealing with the fears in your life allows you to reach that positive energy.

“Situations are shadows of our own belief system” discusses the way one works through from negative ego judgment to positive unconditional loving. When a human enters into society, they are given beliefs as a way to fit in. These ideas form a system by which they determine how they will behave in society. These beliefs also reflect lessons chosen such as being unworthy, not good enough, or unable to be happy. The soul then draws to itself what it desires to experience, so the beliefs gather situations that will allow the person to face their lessons and decide what to do with them.

What is important in any teaching you undertake is that it resonates with you. When you attend a session that seems “wrong” to you, it is simply not the right place or time for you to deal with that teacher’s opinions. You may not be advanced enough, or you may have passed by that lesson without needing to complete it.