You draw experiences to you

QUESTION: Masters I’ve struggled with my health for a few years now. What exactly is my condition? Is this a lesson I chose for myself or is it a product of anything? I get very low and miserable and really struggle with my mood at times. Is there a cause and will it go away? I’m also struggling very much with my relationship. Is there a reason my partner is the way he is? He’s very egotistical and can lack a degree of empathy. I feel like everything has to be his way and that I need to fight for what I want on a regular basis. I struggle very much with his personality and wonder if this relationship is healthy for me. Have we ever had a previous life together and if so in what capacity. ~Joanne, UK

[In compliance with US law, the Spirit Masters do not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions. Readers may like to review details of the Masters’ booklet/ebook on healing.]

ANSWER: You are dealing with a series of life lessons. This all starts with your low self-esteem and sense of worthlessness. You attracted your husband because, in the beginning, you agreed with everything he wanted since you thought it would make him love you. You desperately need to be needed.

The current health difficulties are your body’s response to your hesitation in life. Your first reaction to adversity is to freeze and hide. This causes the energy within your body to stop and create blockages for protection. To restore the balance in your body, you need to feel more comfortable with yourself. Accept that you are a soul having a physical experience and have the ability to call upon all the powers and abilities of the universe.

You cannot change your husband unless he chooses to change, because he too is a soul with total freedom of choice. You have identified several of his issues, which was possible because you allowed yourself to analyze what was causing difficulty in your life. Congratulations – this is part of your spiritual growth.

It is time to continue your analysis. How do you feel when conflict arises with your husband? How does your body react to the tension? Is there something you can do to make yourself more comfortable? You have the ability to create your own future with your freedom of choice.

Meditate on what you feel is the best situation for you. Then do it.