Getting to know “you”

QUESTION: Masters instead of asking you all the questions I have written down (that seem to be from an ‘I’ perspective and personal only to ‘me’), how can I clearly and resolutely answer my own questions? I often feel conflicted about my own intuition/answers and feel better when they are validated. How can I be clear about my life’s path, without the need for confirmation? ~Aimee, USA

ANSWER: You, as all human beings, spent many years under the tutelage of older people. You looked to them for validation of your ability to comply with what they wanted you to do. You always felt comfortable when you didn’t have to take responsibility for your own actions without guidance from them. Well, baby, they aren’t around anymore, unless you solicit their advice.

As you began your personal journey, you had some sense of having freedom of choice to change the way you saw the lessons that were imposed upon you. Yet, wanting to “only do what is right,” you also wanted the guidance to continue. Despite your desire to be in control of your life, you still want direction from others because then you know you will never be wrong. And you will have someone else to blame if things don’t turn out as you expected.

Control is an illusion because it only relates to the actions that you take – you have no control over how another will react to what you do. You cannot predict the outcome because you haven’t made the choices yet as to the path you may learn from the most.

The difficulty you are having with your intuition is your ego mind coming in and making judgments about what is happening in your life. You are over-analyzing the possibilities based on things you have seen or been told. Step away from the expectations and let your intuition guide you toward what feels like the appropriate course of action for you.

Know that each soul calls to itself what it needs to experience. You are always in the right place at the right time to work on your life lessons. As we like to say, let go, trust in your unconscious self (your soul), enter the flow of life, and just see what it is you desire to experience.