Seeing with the soul

QUESTION: Masters Insights into the inner & outer workings of the creation of the Pantheon please . How was the architect inspired? What types of inspiration did Source want occurring to all who have since been in it? It is a building built around a perfect sphere. It is a work of love in my mind’s eye: exquisite in planning & execution. Rain evaporates before it hits the floor. Constant movement as one gazes around the space. ~Margaret, USA

ANSWER: During the phases of the creation of the Pantheon, the architects were requested to build a tribute to the gods and champions of the times, and a space where the owner could feel he was in their presence and one of them. The builders were cognizant of the spiritual energy that some perceived as beauty, others as connection to the universe, and still others as communication of the physical and nonphysical worlds. Source had no part in the construction except for providing the initiation of the souls who manifested the completed edifice.

It is much more powerful today in its simplicity, since the removal of the adornments and decorations of its inception. They were a distraction to those who wished to “feel” the innate power the shape generated. The building’s influence arises from its structure. The representation of the magnificent energy of Source, as exemplified by the spherical masterpiece, reflects the communion of physical and spiritual: a union, a togetherness.

The complexity of design creates – for the eye and the energetic sensation of those aware of it – a transformational space, transcending the Earth and rising up into the heavens as the transition of time and seasons outside plays out within. It is a motion picture diorama of the heavens’ influence on the physical planet.

Those who reach out to embrace all that the Pantheon can teach about life will be well educated in spiritual and physical mastery. Others, to their loss, will see it simply as an interesting, ancient building with a hole in the center of its ceiling allowing odd shadow patterns during the days and seasons.