Who’s responsible for happiness?

QUESTION: Masters, it feels like life is only about getting a job and earning money and not much about happiness. What to do if one has hard time finding a job that one is good at? How to be able to enjoy life and not only try to find ways to survive? ~Erika, Sweden

ANSWER: A soul creates the terms of its reality. In the duality of positive and negative energies, it is your choice which one you wish to have around you. If it is raining, you can be unhappy and say it is horrible outside and you don’t want to get wet. Or, you can see the rain, smile, and think that the flowers will grow, the pollution will be cleared out of the air, and you can go splash in the puddles as you did when you were a child.

Once you reach adulthood and become responsible for yourself and your upkeep, you do have to find a way to provide the physical means to sustain yourself. When you look at all the ways to get money, you can just follow the funds, or you can look for something you would enjoy doing while being paid. Life isn’t just about getting a job, but also about finding a passion.

The process is unique to you. You don’t go about finding your passion by asking others what they think you should do. Explore all the jobs about which you get a positive feeling. Then explore the type of training you would need in order to get hired for one of them. Talk to people who do the work you are interested in and see how they feel about the career.

You are not going to be good at a job unless you have an interest in it. Don’t be afraid to change employment if you are unhappy. When you apply for a job, the employer will be able to tell how enthusiastic you are about the position. If you don’t think you will be happy, don’t bother submitting an application.

Choose to be happy. If you are not feeling happy, ask yourself why. Go to the cause of your displeasure, and then you can change how you see life. You have to do some work to change the way you look at life – it is completely up to you.