Dealing with client’s baggage

QUESTION: Masters, I am a past life regressionist. At times I work with clients that carry very negative energies. What method of protection should I use to prevent negative beings or energies from latching on? Is the visualization of white light sufficient or should other colours be used? Or what other method is best engaged? ~Corey, Singapore

ANSWER: The first preventive measure you should consider is crystals that absorb negativity, such as those from the quartz family. You will have to periodically cleanse them with salt water, sunlight, or moonlight. Placing some along the windows will also keep out any negativity from the outside attracted to your client. The most important step is to minimize what is lured into the room, not just what comes with the client.

It is vital to protect yourself before beginning a session. Negativity can enter you only if it is invited. It can, however, attach to you as it sees fit. Surrounding your body with white light repels the negative energies and prevents them from attaching. Most energies cannot penetrate the white light. If you still sense some trying to get through to you, add a rainbow waterfall over your head; this will discourage and disengage them.

At the end of your session, invite all the negativity to enter into an energy ball and ask if it wishes to go into the light or what other destination it desires. With your intention, send it where it wants – but not into a living person. Take your hands and physically brush off any extraneous negativity, wishing for it to leave.

If you sense you have been in a large amount of negative energy, take a bath with sea salt, Epsom salt, and vinegar. It doesn’t take more than ½ cup in a tub of water. This clears everything from you, including causing your body to detox. Do not do this too often or it will lose its effectiveness. You can shower and rub a little sea salt on your skin daily if you choose; this breaks the ability of negativity to adhere.