Sitting in judgment

QUESTION: Masters, I’m writing to ask if I should continue to pursue political writing and editing on Facebook or is that getting into the drama of politics when I should be pursuing more spirituality. Writing about politics does make me angry, but it also works as a way to inform people about false spirituality and religion. I do feel like I’m accomplishing good work for Gaia and the humans. It seems like my dharma. Am I doing this right? Should I write a book? I understand that Earth is a School and I’m out of balance. Politics and everyday living are how we traverse the duality and learn those life lessons. I know I fight this understanding because of impatience and ego. What can I do to understand more? Plus, why don’t I dream and see other dimensions? ~Douglas, United States

ANSWER: A life on Earth is a choice of the soul. What you do with the parts of your life is completely up to you. The soul has total freedom to choose what you want to do and when you want to do it. Your ego has decided that it knows better than most people what is wrong with your world and what they should do about it. This is a way for you to control the opinion of society to agree with your judgments.

There is no right or wrong in the choice of activities while on Earth. The purpose for a soul to come into a body is to connect with their essence of unconditional love and hopefully with their memories of other lives they had led so they may use knowledge gathered in their past lives in this life.

Embedding oneself in ego and negativity does not allow you to see the whole picture of the energies in your life. (In other words, you cannot grow in spiritual wisdom while reclining in negativity since enlightenment comes only in positivity.) There are some lessons you can experience in your current field, if you feel you need to complete them and conquer your demons then you should proceed.

Writing all your dramas down may put it in a fashion you can understand and see your destination. Anything with a negative thrust will hold you firmly in the duality of the human third dimension. You wish for a connection to other dimensions but they can be accessed only in positive energy. The negative holds you down. Other dimensions are the domain of souls who are not caught in polarity.

You have seen the pathways – now the choice is yours as to what you experience and when.