Assuming responsibility

QUESTION: Masters, you may remember your reply to me 4 years ago after I came to Switzerland. In this, I described the bitterness of my English wife after I formed a relationship with another woman. Now my wife is very ill and I have just had my cancerous prostate removed. I am trying to help her, have discussed returning home, but find her very hard to get on with. I feel terribly responsible for what has happened to her and do not know what to do. ~John, Switzerland

ANSWER: What happens to another person is what they wish to experience. They will make contracts with other souls to be antagonists, ensuring events will occur when needed. Nothing you have specifically done has gone against the lessons your wife chose before coming to Earth.

Each human decides what beliefs to hold for his or her lifetime. Your wife has chosen a very unhappy, negative stream of events. She is influenced by the religious programming of the evangelists and is in full punishment mode. She thinks her life is the result of her not being good enough to deserve a better one. In her mind, you are the devil incarnate and not to be listened to for advice on the hereafter. Her illness is part of her punishment scenario.

Your guilt is one of your life lessons. Responsibility is a result of each person’s choices, not the product of someone else’s actions. Your wife made the decision to say she forgave you so she could remain in this negative-based environment. She doesn’t want to hear about salvation, unconditional love, and returning Home – it doesn’t go along with the suffering she has chosen. Making you feel guilty is one of her only enjoyments.

Your cancer was the result of guilt and the need to punish yourself. You have paid that price and can now examine the results and move forward. You don’t need to let her suck additional positive energy out of you, which is what she is currently doing.

The rest of both of your lives can continue as it is going, or you can accept that you have no responsibility for her choices. Nothing you say or do will change her mind about you and life in general. Connect with your essence of unconditional love. Share with her what she will accept, and if you are rejected yet again, move on to complete your own journey.