Creating examples and belief systems

Question: Masters, Wow, I totally believe everything you have said. It just feels right, but like I had to be reminded. Plus it all makes sense! I was raised Catholic. So did Jesus really exist?? What about the Ten Commandments? Was that just a movie? If there is no judgment, just lessons to learn, then who cares if you break a commandment! woo hoo! The bible is all made up stuff?? ~Patty, USA

ANSWER: Did you just give yourself a “Get out of jail free” card? LOL! Belief systems are what you use to determine behavior in any situation. Society has its input, parents theirs, and religions another set. If you disobeyed your parents’ rules you knew that some kind of punishment would follow. Disobeying society’s rules, such as traffic regulations, puts you at risk for paying fines or serving jail time. These types of rules were all spelled out very distinctly for you.

Religious organizations also create patterns of behavior for their participants. When most of the laws were put together for religions, the majority of the people did not know how to read or write, so stories or parables were made up to demonstrate the principles desired. With each new level of more educated people, elaborations were constructed. Movies were found to be a way to teach even very small children what their beliefs were expected to be.

With spiritual awareness comes the knowledge that you have total freedom of choice to select the beliefs by which you are going to live. Certain souls have come to Earth to help all souls understand this principle and to help show the way to using the power of their soul. The man you call Jesus was one of these “way-showers.” Many stories were written about him that were not what actually happened. These were constructed by religious leaders who wanted everyone to adopt their particular beliefs and not think and decide for themselves.

There is no judgment at Home. No punishment, retribution, or Hell. But as long as you are still in a physical body, you have to be aware of the repercussions of your actions while still on Earth. Choose your beliefs from what resonates with you and how you wish to live your life.