QUESTION: Masters, I recently read your book on healing and have some questions about prayer. In the book you say that two people asking God to heal someone is no better than someone praying alone. Then you go on to say that expressions of gratitude are effective prayers but prayer to God asking for healing is not. Don’t you actually believe in God’s power? You talk about watching what you pray for, how you formulate your intention, and the result thereof. Can you elaborate?
ANSWER: From your question, it is apparent your impression of God is someone outside of yourself whom you can beseech to help you, and in his mercy, you will be helped. Is that not true? We are not talking in the same terms as you. Your impression is an Earth concept that brings into play the ego with its constant judgment of right and wrong, punishment and reward.
In our book on healing we are talking about you as a soul who is a piece of the Source and has the ability to create whatever you need to experience your life lessons. If you wish to use the term “God” to refer to the Source from which everything sprang, then, yes, we do believe in God. If you wish to maintain the belief system of the Earth that “God” is a judgmental, vengeful force that is outside and not a part of yourself, and that controls all aspects of your life, we do not.
The Earth-based belief system God won’t be of any more help to you if you ask him for help alone or with one hundred thousand other people. You are not taking responsibility for your own life but asking another to bail you out. The healing begins with your own acceptance of the cause and belief in the remedy. You then have to put the intention in creating balance within yourself. When you accept that it is your intention, and not something outside of you, which creates your reality, you will have an overpowering sense of gratitude for being who you are. Acknowledging that gratitude, strengthens your intention for change (healing).
When a single person or a group of people put their intention into a desire, they are creating a powerful wave of energy. A single person has the ability to create a situation with the intention he/she puts forth. If you want to balance up the body to remove the dis-ease within (heal), you have the power to do that, because you have the energy of Source.
When we say to watch your prayers or intention, we refer to the fact that the energy is so powerful that if you say, “My desire is to be healed, but I know I don’t deserve to be healed,” you will not get any better. The ‘remaining the same’ part of your intention cancels out the healing part.
[The book referred to, Healing with the Universe, Meditation, and Prayer, is available on It is not available directly from We must warn you that there are firms making a very expensive secondary offering on the Amazon UK site that should certainly be avoided. Toni and Peter]