What’s going on?

QUESTION: Masters, I have over the past 1.5 years had the same recurring bout of illness, which is very unusual. I am not sure if it is something physical—although no one seems to be able to detect anything at that level—or a manifestation of something else that I need to change in my life. Although in my occupations I have always endeavoured to help others, I am unsure of which way to do this best using my potential. I just seem to be wasting time. I feel that I am not fulfilling my potential but have little direction or guidance as to how to make the best of my abilities. I have been in a loving but tormented relationship over the past few years, and after a long break, I have decided to give it the last chance. But I am not sure it is the one for me. ~Vanessa, UK

ANSWER: Your higher self, through your body, is giving you all kinds of advice in how to move forward. Everything you have done and are doing takes into consideration everyone but yourself. Your body and soul are saying it is time to honor yourself—time to think of and be good to yourself. Then there will be no reason for you to be slowed down by unexplained ailments.

You try to be everything to everybody with no consideration for what you need to do for yourself. Your body is saying, “Hey there! Stop and take a look at me. See what I need; forget the rest of the world for a while.” Most of what you do is dictated by your idea of what society and other people think or want you to do. Nowhere in society’s expectations is the concept of using the freedom of choice that all souls have. Society says nothing about doing something because you truly feel it is what you want to do, for no other reason than that you would like to do it.

Being nice and doing things for others will not make them love or even like you. Part of the problem with your relationship has been your bending over backward to do everything you thought was desired by your partner. At times you do not even know who you are, because you have been so shaped by the desires of others.

Get out of the rut you are in and start thinking—no, feeling—what it is you wish to be. You know better than anyone else what feels right for you. Stop giving others the power over you to tell you what to do. Take charge of yourself.