Archive for June, 2008

Listen to your Body

Monday, June 16th, 2008


Q: Masters, I have been having certain aches and pains in my legs. I cannot associate them with anything in particular that I did to cause discomfort. In the past I have had the habit of blocking out physical pain and just motoring on. I now seem to be able to feel all kinds of things about and within my body that I was never aware of before. What is happening to me?

A: It is always possible for your mind to block out your bodily issues, and therefore potentially cause harm to your body, by denying that there is a problem. You were always told “no pain, no gain” so you denied that anything could be wrong. What was considered normal by society was your goal.

Your body was younger and stronger at that time and was able to weather a lot of abuse without causing permanent damage. As the body ages it is not as able to rebuild and regenerate the slight tears and strains. Another factor that is now present is your spiritual acceptance of having a responsibility for yourself, including your body.

As you reach the point of being able to feel your own energy comprising your soul, it opens up the sensations of the vessel that contains your soul, your physical body. This is an important aspect of regulating yourself. With your intention and ability to manifest changes, if you know what is broken, you can direct its correction.

It is important to take periodic inventory of your physical equipment: Are my muscles properly tuned? Can my digestive tract handle the nourishment it receives? Is my body properly hydrated? What can I do to insure my soul continues to have clothing?

Schizophrenia a doorway to Spirits

Friday, June 13th, 2008


Q: Masters, my little sister has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. She is always talking to invisible beings whom she calls angels. They appear to be of immense comfort to her. I was very surprised when she picked up one of my metaphysical books which discusses the current philosophical and spiritual understanding about the soul and she was able to not only explain the concepts to me but also to go several steps beyond what was in the writing. I asked her where she had learned so much about the soul, and who we are as souls, and she responded that her friends the angels and she have continuing discussions on the subject. What is your view?

A: Frequently when a physical being has a condition such as schizophrenia it places them in a situation in which they can dissociate from their physical being. In this condition they are unaware of what we consider our physical limits; they can reach beyond the normally accepted physical constraints, into the energetic vibrations. Once in the higher vibration they are able to freely converse with all the souls residing there. (This is what we like to call the range of Home).

Your sister spends part of her time communicating with angels and masters and this seems perfectly normal to her. She is even surprised when others cannot join her in these discussions. While she is thus engaged it is as if she were in a very deep meditation. She reaches levels of quietude that yogis and monks attain only after years of practice.

You have always been aware of your sister’s superior intelligence and of the curiosity that motivates her. It makes perfect sense for her to investigate the entire circumstance around life and living, both as a physical being and as an energetic soul.

She is your sister in order to provide you with a mentor for information concerning your own spiritual pathway. She is capable of answering all those lingering questions you have yet to answer. Just ask her.


Wednesday, June 11th, 2008


Dear fellow souls, there are many ways that communication takes place on your planet. The most common ones are visual and verbal. There are more subtle ways to convey feelings by actions whether overt or incidental. You also have the energetic sensations that flow from one individual to another.

Communicating is very important to you because you respond to the believed condition of those around you. If you cannot convey to your sweetheart that you love her, she may despair and look for solace elsewhere. If you think an enemy is about to strike out at you, you may act first so as not to be caught at a disadvantage. Wars have begun for lack of a common language or true understanding of the situation.

How must communication be conducted? You must go beyond the words or the written testament and feel what the author truly had in mind. Your human languages allow for irony and sarcasm as well as heartfelt sincerity. If you cannot figure out whether the speaker is being truthful or whether, in jest or frustration, he is being sarcastic, it is impossible to have a meeting of the minds.

When in communication don’t restrict yourself to words. If face-to-face with someone, look into that person’s eyes and reach out to the energy in the room. Is it comfortable? Is there tension in the air? Can the person not make eye contact? All of these are subtle clues as to the speaker’s intention—much more so than the words being uttered. Trust what you feel about the entire situation.

But lest you rush in and begin a war when your opponent is merely nervous, ask what his intentions are. See if his posture and energy change into a friendlier pattern. Use all possibilities to find out what is being said.

In love, light, and laughter,

The Masters of the Spirit World