Cut off from spirit

QUESTION: Masters, a couple of years back I was able to make some contact with spirit; it was only small but it was good all the same. I have since had a lot going on in my life, and that feeling that spirit is around me seems to be getting less and less intense. I have been told to meditate but never seem to find the right time or place to do it. I’m a great believer that everything happens for a reason. Do you think this is happening because I’m not supposed to do this anymore?   ~Steve, UK 30/y

ANSWER: You are a soul. You are a piece of Source that broke off to gain knowledge for all. One of the universal projects that all souls undertake is to find out who they truly are. They plan a number of things to experience in each lifetime on Earth. They don’t remember that when they start their life because they come to their body with amnesia of anything they have done before this life. A soul is never alone or disconnected from the whole universal energy composed of all the pieces of Source.

When you “made contact” you acknowledged that feeling of your true self. Once you have learned something it is impossible to forget it. If you do not use your knowledge its intensity will seem to diminish, but it still remains. Also, when you get used to something it is not always drawing your attention to itself. When people move near a railroad or under a flight path, they are constantly aware of the noise. But after they have been there for a while they don’t hear it as being so annoying. Has the sound diminished? No, they just got used to its being there.

Spirit is always with you; it is a part of your essence. Two things are happening here. First, you have become used to the uniqueness of the connection, and second, you don’t have a real need to feel that connection right now. You may turn up the volume any time you are ready.