Mp3 player influence

Masters, all I hear from my kids is that they must have an iPod or other mp3 player. I am worried about the influence it will have upon them, and what I should tell them. I am concerned that it will interfere with their homework. What should I do?

We understand your concern as a parent for the education and sociability of your child. Remember, an mp3 player does not come pre-loaded with propaganda. This is one of the easiest ways to monitor what your child listens to. Stipulate that you will monitor the playlist on their device periodically.  

While there is the potential problem that children will cut themselves off from their peers and just listen to their headsets, many great benefits can come from their players. It makes most children part of a group in which they can discuss and share their music.  Many children use background music to filter outside interference that prevents concentration, thus improving their study habits and grades.   

Your middle child has agitation problems. Soft, relaxing music will allow him to become centered and quiet. He will have it with him at all times and it is better for him than medication. Your daughter wants to study the effects of a deep meditative state. Help her load meditative pieces on to her unit and the trips on the bus to and from school will allow her new insight.

Mp3 players are tools that can be used for many productive activities and not just recreational noise.  Your children just wish to tune in using modern technology.

Note: The Masters’ remark about medication is in general terms and is not a diagnosis or medical treatment option. If you have concern about the emotional or mental health of yourself or your child, please consult a licensed medical professional.  The Staff