Is god nothingness?

QUESTION: Masters, god is nothingness / zeroness, what I have understood of this statement is god is not anything else besides just an awareness /pure awareness -that’s why god is content and just exploring through us what he is not, please guide me of my understanding of god and my path towards him. Am I reaching near to him? ~Sheen, India

ANSWER: This is a situation where human terminology creates more difficulties than it explains. “God” needs to be defined by the place it has in the reality you have created for this lifetime. Does it refer to a religious figure that comports with the rules and regulations of an established doctrine? Is it a term referring to the energy that is the supreme force in the universe? Is it the term used to explain the source or origin of everything that exists in your awareness? Or is it a concept you do not understand and cannot define?

In the physical world where the bodies of your souls are having their learning process, any of the definitions from above would result in the human considering “god” to be nothingness since it has no physical form. It does not follow that “god’s” contentment flows from its lack of a physical form in the nonphysical world. The realm in which it resides is unconditional love, void of any negativity and containing no conflict.

All experiences are recorded in the awareness of each soul, when in its nonphysical form. The library is the energetic akashic record of that soul’s many chosen experiences. These collections of completed tasks are available to “god” to see and learn what the opposite of its nonphysical perfection is.

Like all souls, “god”/Creator/Source has no body, no sexual functioning, and no superiority over all the pieces that it broke off from itself. Each soul is a piece of this origin, so, as a soul, you are a piece of this “god” you seek. To touch that which you desire, all you have to do is connect to the unconditionally loving essence inside of you and shed all negativity and ego judgment.