Reaching toward complete connection

QUESTION: Masters what is happening inside of me? It seems that my mind has been dissolving in this awareness and emptiness. Sometimes, I feel myself in complete emptiness and being one with everything, but other times I can feel my mind fighting to hold me back… I’ve resonated a lot with the words from Mooji and some of his “teachings” and some of it I knew before listening to them because I’ve been sharing with people around me words that came from within and it seemed kind of what he says. Am I really in the space of emptiness and pure love that he “teaches”? How or what can I do to surrender to my true self and be free forever
from my mind? ~Santana, Canada

ANSWER: Every soul incarnates into a human body in order to first complete various life lessons they chose to learn more about, and to understand how the training teaches them about who they truly are as a piece of Source energy. The ultimate journey is to integrate their powers and abilities into the human existence and experience perfection with the physical senses only possible as a human.

Mooji (Anthony Paul Moo-Young, also known as the artist Tony Moo) has discovered living in unconditional loving energy without the influence and divergence of ego judgment. The reason that you resonate with his teachings, and recognize them from your own unconscious knowledge, validates for you that you have visited, and sometimes live in, the unconditional love of Source. Mooji calls this experience “pure love” because it is, and “the space of emptiness” because it contains no judgment or negativity, just positive love.

In the teachings we have brought forth while answering questions online, and also while having Toni and Peter write our books, we have referred to this place as the fifth dimension – the site void of anything but perfection, which is normally populated by souls in nonphysical states planning their next journeys. However, it is also available to those in physical bodies who work to raise themselves out of the duality of Earth and join with the purity of Source.

For a human, the mind is usually king. It is what gives identity to the person within society, but it is based on clarifying where the person is situated using judgment, rating, and grading of each of their beliefs and actions. To reach a permanent state within this environment on Earth, you must exist solely in unconditional loving energy. Anything that holds you in the ego judgment, because of its negativity, prevents you from this enlightenment.

Turn away from all negativity; live in the moment, shedding the past and forgetting the future. Reach out to your guides and soul mates who are at Home and join them in their positivity.