No one has any “duty” during their lifetime

QUESTION: Masters, I am 60 years old and have worked for a long time with a group responsible for healing ceremonies of the Planet with the masters of the White Brotherhood. I am also dedicating myself to holistic training courses and in the health area (acupuncture, floral, etc.) I intend to work with these energies. Am I on the right path to fulfill my duty to serve in this life? Why even working with the spiritual in me and on the planet have not yet been able to free myself from the feelings of fears and insecurities, uncertainties and losses? I have already done many healing treatments but no results. Do you have any explanation in my past lives for these fears today? ~Helena, Brazil

ANSWER: No souls who commit to human life on planet Earth have any obligations to anyone other than themselves. Service is an idea put together by society, organizations, and organized religions so that things they feel they should take care of for their members will partially be done by participants.

Your purpose, your path, is to discover who you are as a soul and what abilities you have to fulfill your life lessons and enjoy this incarnation – nothing else. That does not mean that you cannot incorporate service to others along the way. This is made more difficult, however, if you have not finished the lessons chosen before coming.

Those fears, doubts, and insecurities you continue to experience are an indication that you have not completed the life lessons desired. Take the time to examine each fear as it surfaces and ask: Why is it there? What does it originate from? Why do I feel the way I do about it? If you ask the question, the answer can be found in the unconscious aspect of your soul or Higher Self.

Once you acknowledge these tasks, you can begin to work on understanding them and releasing the hold they have on you. You can’t just heal these irritations unless you remove the cause. Patience is necessary to unravel the causes. Once you acknowledge a problem, thank it for its service to you and send it on its way as you fill its void with unconditional love.

Some of these things have continued over from past lives, but many are new lessons you sought to understand from the human perspective available only when you are on Earth. Once you have dealt with more of these fears, then engage in whatever service may appeal to you. You will then be ready to accomplish all you desire.