Judging lives for contentment

QUESTION: Masters, there is a saying… “ask for it and you will receive ” I have everything in my life what other people wish for but I feel these things don’t matter, I never wished for the things which I have in my life though I am deeply thankful for them. I just go with the flow but still see people working so hard to achieve the things which will never give them inner contentment. Can you please comment. ~Rima, India

ANSWER: Our first comment is why are you spending so much time concerned about other people when you haven’t completed all your life lessons? Everything you say deals with the human ego judgment in society and balancing negative against positive potentialities. A spiritual person puts these things aside to reside in unconditionally loving energy – while honoring the journey that other people have chosen, not taking time to condemn it.

How do you know what the lessons of anyone else are about? How can you say that they will never attain inner contentment from their labors? What does that even mean to another? You cannot be inside of them and judge their satisfaction with their endeavors.

You have your own path and should be focused on that alone. What about those tiny fears and doubts that exist in everyday life? They are indications that a life lesson lies within and that you need to deal with it. Staying in judgment means that you are assigning way too much energy to your ego – that is where you need to focus. Strive to remove all the negativity and make your life totally positive in nature.

The phrase you state in the beginning is an indication that one has connected with their true essence and recognizes the powers and abilities they have as pieces of Source energy. Aspire to delve into those abilities and bring them to the forefront. Learn to use these powers to understand why you came into this incarnation and to finish your lessons.

Once you have stepped fully into the positive, nothing will matter to you but your own journey – which is why you are here anyway. Physical needs and desires will be a thing of the past and unconditional love will be your future.