Suicide pact

QUESTION: Masters what happens when two people decide to commit suicide together? Do each continue to pass to his/her respective realm where the individual’s frequency matches? Do the souls undergo their transition together since the underlying reason would be to remain united in the afterlife? There is limited literature available in this area as such. ~Anonymous, New Zealand

ANSWER: There is limited literature because few have ever talked to souls after they have undergone such a transition. When souls decide to disengage from their human shell and go back to their essential energetic form, they return to their point of origin, or the unconditional love of Source energy, though they do have the option, after jumping out of their bodies, to remain in the duality of the planet until they allow themselves to return Home.

All souls are from the same Source, vibration, realm, whatever you wish to call it. Two souls from Earth could choose to immediately go to Source or to stay somewhere in between to try to accomplish something they were unable to do in their human existence. They may maintain memories of why they are there or not. Without a body, they would not have their emotions, sensations, or the ability to touch anything physical.

Once out of their human container, the life they lived on Earth means nothing to them but lessons experienced and possibly learned. Lovers, family, friends, and enemies are all looked at the same – just other souls who have also spent time seeing if they can learn about their powers and abilities while in human form. A pact made on Earth is a physical thing and not binding on the soul.

If the souls chose to leave to redo what they felt they were unable to do in that lifetime, they would probably return and start all over again. However, it would be rare for them to do it with each other because the union may have been what caused them not to succeed with their lessons.

Earthly doubts and fears point to the lessons you desired to learn. If you find them overwhelming, it is time to tear into them and find out what is at the bottom of the problem. Each soul is on a singular journey that only that soul, without any connection with another, can decipher.

But, in the spiritual sense, there is no right or wrong way to handle a human existence. Before doing anything else, get out of your head, disregard the thoughts of others, and see how your intended actions “feel” to you.