Behind the scenes

QUESTION: Masters, this world has always seemed foreign to me, and I feel more connected to the afterlife than to this one. When I was thirteen I tried killing myself to escape this world, and a booming voice told me I’d regret it if he allowed me to die. Years later, after the end of an abusive relationship, I had a dream, and in that dream I saw my spiritual partner and was told I’d meet him soon. Well, I did, and we’re happily married. What we have between us is beyond extraordinary. The fifteen-plus years with him have been the happiest years of my life; however, there has to be a purpose for me personally in this life. Two years ago, I was crying to the universe and asking that very question. The next day, an idea out of nowhere came to me, so I grabbed a pen and paper and started writing feverishly, not knowing what it was I was writing. To my amazement, I was writing about my suicide attempt, a spiritual journey I took, and my life afterwards. I now have a novel and am seeking representation for it. I have a strong sense this book needs to be out in the world. I feel this may be my purpose in lifeto teach people about our spiritual selvesbut there are times when I wonder if I’m kidding myself or not. I think it’s the human side telling me that, but I want to know what you think. Is this my purpose? And how come since the day I took my first breath, I’ve always had a homesickness feeling?   ~Becki, USA

ANSWER: You have always had a stubborn streak carried into the lifetimes you have had. You make all kinds of plans of lessons for yourself and then procrastinate as to whether to even start the life. This results in your entering the planet with the desire not to be here at all.

Each soul contains within its memories the essence of the unconditional love of Home. When things seem to be difficult or not going the way you think they should, the desire to return Home before completing your assignments seems like the only way to go. This can also occur when you have just completed something and decide it would be great to reward yourself with a trip back Home. Souls who open to their inner feelings all carry this sense of not belonging here, accompanied by the wistfulness of the joys and pleasures of Home. Why remain in this wretched place when Home is just a breath away? You merely need to stop breathing!

All souls have the purpose of remembering who they are, and bringing forth their essence into this light. One of your lessons was to understand that you could walk away from your abusive situation without having to end this life, and then move into a companionship that helped you to understand yourself. Your tool to do this was to claim your journey—the telling of your story. You can now enter into a stage of sharing that will help many other souls with their understanding by making your journey available to them.