Electromagnetic pulses and health

QUESTION: Masters, are wireless devices (cellphones, wireless routers, man-made sources of electromagnetic fields in general) causing health problems? Or is electromagnetic radiation harmful only if we believe it is? ~Hanna, Finland

ANSWER: The physical components of the human body are controlled, directed, and modulated by electrical energy. The wireless devices you mentioned, along with high-tension wires that carry massive amounts of electricity, can indeed impact some human bodies. The degree of the impact has a lot to do with the individual makeup of the body. Just as each person can tolerate varying amounts of thermal waves (heat), the same is true of these electromagnetic waves.

One factor that comes into play with the use of cellphones and Bluetooth devices is the thickness of a person’s skull. The bone will provide a degree of safety, interfering with the amount of penetration. A second factor is the strength of the wave and the duration. A third is the sensitivity the person demonstrates to the intruding energy. And the fourth is the person’s desire to experience certain disease or discomfort in their life. All of these individual factors are additionally influenced by the beliefs of the soul.

With other electric waves and radiation, the composition of the body comes into consideration. Tiny developing fetuses and babies can be drastically impacted by electromagnetic radiation that tells the tender cells to divide when they are not programmed to (causing the formation of tumors), or in a way not normal at that stage (creating birth defects).

People are very powerful when it comes to bringing experiences to themselves. If you think about something overly much, the universe is sure you are asking to have the experience – so bam! – you will then have it. The same is true if you say “I do not need to experience that” and then, if it doesn’t go against your life lesson plans, you will not be exposed.

Being aware that these waves can be harmful to a human body is beneficial in further protecting yourself. Knowing where high-tension wires run, and not allowing your children to play under them, will lower the degree of exposure. Limiting the time a Bluetooth device sits in your ear right next to your temple will potentially prevent brain tumors. You need not fear all exposure but, as with rich food, moderation is a wise decision.