On marijuana

QUESTION: Masters could you be so kind as to share your views on marijuana? ~Vikki, USA

ANSWER: It is rather difficult for us to share our opinion since that is actually a request for our judgment on the subject. Here we do not judge what a soul chooses to do; we just observe. To provide some information for you, we will give you an overview on how marijuana fits into the life lessons of humans.

“Marijuana” comes from the use of products of the cannabis sativa plant. The active ingredient that produces an altered state is called THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), although there are at least 65 other substances that impact the body. Most people utilize the leaves, stems, flowers, and seeds in some fashion or other.

An easy application is to roll the dried product in some form of wrapper and smoke it like a tobacco cigarette. Other methods of ingestion are eating, drinking, or inhaling various products such as the resin or oil of the plant commonly called hashish. The effect on a human body is both psychoactive and physiological. In other words, the thinking process, state of mind, mood, and perception are impacted, and also various muscular regulatory processes are altered.

The use of marijuana includes consuming it for medicinal or recreational purposes. Medically the benefits are increasing in purpose. It has been seen effective in such areas as cancer anti-nausea and pain reduction, lessening of epileptic seizures, reducing muscular cramping from various conditions, and balancing out psychological situations.

Recreational uses involve a desire to be able to walk away from the stresses of the day, a blissful “trip” into euphoria, or releasing tension in the body. It is very much akin to the consumption of alcohol. The potential problem is that it can become a gateway drug to seeking out more-addictive substances such as cocaine and prescription drugs. Caution must be observed because too much ingestion can have a deleterious effect on the neurons in the brain and various organs of the body. This is also true of alcohol and smoking tobacco.

Marijuana has been used throughout the centuries in some religious practices to free the soul from the constraints of the body so that one might communicate with the spirit world.

The effects of everything souls put into their body are experienced for the lessons they may learn from the interaction. Substances may be intoxicating, nutritional, medicinal, toxic, or contaminated. Souls all have freedom of choice. From a spiritual perspective nothing is right or wrong – just an experience to be examined and learned from.