Goals and missions

QUESTION: Masters I found my love. Now, I seek my mission. What is my mission in this life on earth? I ask because I have old goals that can not materialize or perform as I wish. These objectives are in line with my mission? I feel the desire to be bigger and better now, be truly server and useful. This creates a very great anxiety and I know that hinders me, how to control it? This feeling has to do with past lives? With all my heart, I would like to know, Masters what is keeping me from being all my potential and realize my true mission on earth? ~Rafael, Brazil

ANSWER: A soul’s mission, purpose, goal in life, or whatever you want to call it, is to complete the lessons they chose for this life, to know themselves as a soul, and to bring forth the innate powers and abilities that being a piece of Source energy provides. Each person’s existence is for them alone to accomplish all these tasks. You have no obligation to have an effect on anybody’s life but your own, because everyone is learning through using their own freedom of choice.

Most people have been led to believe that everyone has a mission to be of service to others. That is a societal and religious belief perpetrated so that those organizations do not have to provide services that they can get someone else to think they must deliver.

Your old goals were specific expectations that you believed were necessary for you to grow in a spiritual manner. Any expectation creates limitations in your life, because unless you fulfill every aspect of it exactly as you envisioned it, you feel you have not succeeded.

Anxiety arises when you believe you have an obligation to do something and you feel you are not able to do it. Relax; go with the flow of the universe. It will present to you those things that you previously chose to understand and will never give you more than you are able to handle.

None of your past lives brought difficulties into this life – don’t use that idea as an excuse for being unable to identify a passion. You are the stumbling block to moving forward. Stop paying attention to what society and people tell you that you should do.

Always rely on your feelings about a situation and a change in direction. Don’t stay stuck in one place. See what the potential is around you and jump into whatever appears. Search for some activity that draws you into it – that will be your passion. This is your life to live and direct. Be concerned with yourself first in all that you do.