Home and Earth issues and concepts

QUESTION: Masters you say there is no karma, punishment or grace. I understand this is true at the soul, heaven or source level. But is this true at the earth and human being level? Do the rules change when we enter earth and a human existence? Are there two different sets of rules? Around the world religions, gurus, teachers and preachers talk about these things. ~Christina, USA

ANSWER: There are two different types of existence. The universe/nonphysical world/Home is a singularity of nothing but unconditional love, with no negativity allowing for any kind of judgment, punishment, or retribution. Once a soul enters into a body on planet Earth, it has entered a duality where negativity and positive energy are equally split. Judgment rules the ego society where everything is judged, rated, and graded.

When souls wish to learn about their nature, they do it in the cauldron of duality where freedom of choice lets them decide how to deal with and learn from the situations they have set into play. In order to make a choice, they must have choices from which to pick, which can only occur where negativity exists – i.e., on Earth.

Even on Earth in the midst of the duality, there are people who can live by their spiritual aspect, acknowledging their essence of unconditional love. They do not judge, seek punishment, or insist on retribution for past acts. They have risen to an understanding of why they came into a body, have completed their lessons, and are then witnessing the rest of society to decide if there is anything more in which they wish to participate.

People create a reality for themselves by adopting belief systems that they use to decide how to live their lives. These become their rules of behavior and are frequently set up through the influence of religious organizations that dictate what they think others should believe.

When people explore a spiritual group, they usually try out the beliefs of that organization. Some teachers, gurus, and angelic communicators insist that their beliefs are the only way to salvation, ascension, or redemption. Those whose teachings include judgment and scares of enforced punishments for past deeds are not existing in unconditional love.

Take everything that is presented, even from us, and see how it feels to your inner wisdom. If it resonates, accept it into your beliefs; if it abrades, walk away from it.