Lessons and beliefs

QUESTION: Masters, I’m just coming out of yet another depression and would like to know if there is anything I can do to soothe the effects of bipolar disorder I chose as a lesson for this life. I’d also appreciate any guidance on any other lessons I must pay attention to as my life has been very intense and full of so many. Sometimes I feel such longing to go back Home as Earth’s ego/duality game has worn me out. I have also read that twin flames are meant to meet in their last incarnation in order to help each other mirror last dark bits of themselves and reach complete self-realization – can you confirm this? In my heart I believe I have met mine but am currently in a relationship with someone who is most likely a soulmate. L., Estonia

[In compliance with US law, the Spirit Masters do not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions. Readers may like to review details of the Masters’ booklet/ebook on healing.]


ANSWER: You are managing your lessons very well. You have seen that making choices concerning the blame game for your decisions gets you nowhere, but when you accept and work through the fears and doubts, you understand what needs to be done. You are an older soul who has done this human trip many times, so you are into advanced lessons, not just minor ones.

All souls, particularly older ones, get that feeling that they want to be at Home right now. But then they realize that if they are in the middle of something, they will probably decide to come back and re-do or complete it after they go Home, so why not just stick around and finish up the current cycle.

Twin flames rarely are on the planet at the same time. There is no plan to meet during an incarnation. When the soul is in human form it has no idea whether or not it will choose to come back to Earth for another lifetime. That decision is made by each soul when it is at home reviewing what it has done and deciding if there is anything else it wishes to do.

Self-realization, or total enlightenment, is an individual thing that the soul has to complete. It does not need assistance. Suggestions may come from guides and soul mates but the work has to be done alone.

If you had met your twin flame, you would only be able to think of that person and no one else, even if you were involved with another. You would walk away from your family and strive to do everything possible to be only with your twin. You have not met your twin – who, by the way, is not even on the planet at this time.