Being challenged

QUESTION: Masters I have been hearing impaired since my fourteenth year and never truly energetic. This makes me feel I cannot make full use of my abilities to enrich my own life and that of others. Recently there seems to something wrong with my kidneys as well, yet I do not feel unhealthy or unhappy. I suspect something deeper is dragging me down, but I do not know what it is. Can you shine light on this? ~Duke, New Zealand

[In compliance with US law, the Spirit Masters do not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions. Readers may like to review details of the Masters’ booklet/ebook on healing.]

ANSWER: You have planned a very interesting lifetime this time around. This diminished hearing was for you to experiment with increasing your sensitivity to the other senses and your spiritual essence. Fighting the deficit proved disastrous to sustaining your trip through life. Once you stepped back and allowed things to happen around you, all became clearer and more balanced.

You are more than using all your abilities; it is just that your expectations are that you will have the same results as other humans who communicate differently with the world. Your form of contact with nature and other humans is through feelings and vibrations. This is a more tactile use of the entire body than merely exercising the ears.

Having mastered one physical problem, you decided to see about adding more interest to your life. You have the ability to curtail this development or see how it affects the rest of your system. Your strength is incredible but based on a spiritual, not physical, level. Use your intuition to filter and create the life you desire.

What is affecting your sense of self – dragging you down, as you say – is the need to have some control over your life. The only experience you have had with physical control is what you observe around you. This type of manipulation does not work on the soul lessons you chose before coming. Your interpretation of needed experiences, controlled by your intention, will direct future events.

Love yourself for the experiences you have chosen and the fantastic way you are dealing with them and learning from them. Continue to take heed of the strength within and the understanding you glean from each day of your life. You have freedom of choice to go in any direction you wish to explore. Have a great journey.