Chemtrails and contrails

QUESTION: Masters, thank you for helping us. Every day I look up and I see chemtrails criss-crossing in the sky. It is usually around the same time of day. And I’ve had such allergies this year along with the weird weather. What are they trying to do to us? Kill humans by destroying the environment or help us? ~Drew, USA

ANSWER: Most of what you are observing are contrails from the passage of aircraft at very high altitudes where ice crystals form with the introduction of any kind of moisture. You see them at the same time each day because of the airline schedules.

Chemtrails are chemical particles released into the atmosphere with the hope of changing or affecting the environment. They are used in an attempt to bring rain to drought-ridden areas and to siphon off energy from building storms to prevent disasters. In science-fiction articles and fear-monger blogs, you are being told they are used to destroy one’s enemy and create a chemical warfare.

Weather is cyclic, and with it the growth of pollen and pollutants is affecting everyone. This is all happening on the planet and not high up in the air. The exhaust from combustion engines burning fossil fuels is causing health hazards for all humans. Until more of your society gives up its treasured benefits and toys to preserve the planet, it will be constantly chipped away.

Use the universal energy to help clear the pollutants out of your system and restore a balance in your body. You can do this in a meditation of deep relaxation. Think about cycling in pure, clear, healing energy and expelling all polluted, negative, irritation into the air. You might also try surrounding yourself with white, sticky energy to catch all the inflammatory substances before they enter your system.