Differing points of view

QUESTION: Masters, after so long, I finally found my life purpose, which is to help people. I have been working on developing my spiritual gifts, and I think I am doing pretty well (hopefully I am right). I have been told by mentors that I could either be a channel for Angels or a medium for Spirits. This is where I need some guidance. I am not sure which way to go; which is my true calling? Or for that matter, is either of these two options really what I am supposed to be doing? Thank you so much in advance for the guidance. ~Daen, Singapore

ANSWER: There is no written plan for this life of yours. You decided only that being an intermediary for the nonphysical beings, in order to help humankind, was an ultimate goal. You are always exactly where you need to be when you are there. The problem with the mentors who have advised you is their use of words.

Spirituality has no standard agreement on the meaning of a lot of the terms used. A channel is someone who allows for nonphysical spirits to communicate with the physical by coming through his/her body via words, visions, sounds, smells, or any means of communication. The channel may be conscious or in trance, aware of the procedure or not. A medium is generally someone used by a single nonphysical to deliver messages. There is no distinction as to the origin of the spirit, whether it is from Home, or a recently deceased soul, or a discarnate.

By these definitions, even those who communicate with their guides in meditation are channeling. Those who receive information via automatic writing, or visions that become pictures, are also channeling. All have the ability to be receivers, subject to their faith and confidence in themselves.

You had decided you would become available to deliver messages; the details are up to you. Let things develop normally. Relax and follow the flow of the energy. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself.