Living and trying to control dreams

QUESTION: Masters, you have already told me that he is not my twin flame but person who makes me believe. Where is in fact my twin flame now? On earth or somewhere else? I feel so much longing to be with him here. I have done so much to be useful and kind in this life. I long for mutual life with someone who is vibrationally compatible with me. My pain for him did not vanish, I texted him constantly, and after his wife intervened, he broke the contact completely in July. I need answers, I still love him, I am confused. Will he contact me with answers ever? Did he love me? The pain is still here. ~Eliya, Serbia

ANSWER: You became totally obsessed with the idea this man was your twin flame. You don’t even really know what that means but you think it is everything you need. As a result of your obsession you began to stalk this man telephonically to the extent you could have been arrested for harassment. You disrupted his life and did not honor him by allowing him to make choices; you were just demanding compliance with your desires. He has no plans of ever contacting you again. You may think that you love him, but he despises you for ruining his life.

If you wish to have a vibrationally compatible companion, you have to learn to share, not to set all the parameters yourself. The way you are proceeding right now, you would only draw to yourself an egotistical man who wants to make all the decisions. If you want a spiritual union you have to get rid of your judgment and go with the flow of the universe.

First you need to get out of the past, out of your imagined dreams. You are unable to draw another into your life as long as all you can think about is your interpretation of the past. Close the cover on that escapade. Begin to live in the now with no history to get stuck in. Outline what type of person you wish to share your life with, and make sure he is available and not committed to another.