Balancing ego and spirit

QUESTION: Masters, I am thinking of leaving my job to start a business. I work from home in computers and I’m not miserable but not joyful in my work. I’m torn. From spirit I know to be still and trust in the process. From ego I have fears and conflicting beliefs that financial abundance is difficult. I’m finding it hard to identify what my heart wants. To work harder for a business that might work, or to stay where I am in a comfortable job and seek joy in other places. ~Rayne, Israel

ANSWER: There is always something to be said for being your own boss and making all the decisions concerning your progress through life. You know all about freedom of choice, and you have mentioned the various physical inputs contributing to your world and the way you may view them.

Now is the time to exercise your freedom of choice. Neither option is right or wrong for you – just different ways to proceed from here. The ego that brings up all the fears and doubts is powered by the opinions of society, which judges everything and everybody. These thoughts are based on what has happened to someone else who has chosen a similar path. But that someone is not you, and that should have little or nothing to do with your potential success.

Spirit will tell you all about the power you have within and the ability to manifest that which you desire. You have to accept your power to create, and know that you can use it to bring the financial abundance you desire. Your heart is that little inner voice that will tell you if you are ready to make a move and when.

Your inner essence will help you decide the path. There is nothing wrong with remaining as you are, where you are easily able to fulfill the requirements of the job and therefore have spare time to investigate other pursuits. Happiness is different things to different people. Money is one, satisfaction of accomplishment is another, and mastering a new quest – business or personal – is another. The choice is up to you.