Human emotions

QUESTION: Masters, why am I so sensitive? Why do I cry when I watch the TV and see how humans treat each other or cruelty to animals etc. Why is that I have so little trust in people? ~Amanda, Australia

ANSWER: You are speaking of emotional responses to stimuli. Sometimes there is a direct connection with the immediate trigger that brings on the tears or chills, and other times it is a similar but not identical stimulus. You are bringing to the surface life lessons that have not been dealt with completely in your past lives. These are warning signs that all is not right in your world and you need to work on clearing blockages.

When you cry because you watch or read about man’s inhumanity to man or animal, you are placing yourself in the position of the oppressed. You have been in numerous situations over your lifetimes where you did not stick up for yourself when being abused. You tolerated the abuse of others under your care without interfering. You are now crying for all the injustice you allowed or in which you played a part.

When this happens again, stop and ask yourself how it makes you feel. Going into the feelings will deal with your emotions and not just the ideas you have running through your thoughts. As you recognize the cause of your discomfort, you will be able to deal with it by releasing the hold it has on you. Do this by seeing it as a lesson that you now understand and do not have to repeat.

Start loving yourself for taking part in this wonderful learning experience. Your problem with trust is twofold. First, you have set too many expectations for the behavior of others and they never get fulfilled. Stop trying to control what others do. Second, you harbor the idea that everyone is always going to lie to you, disappoint you, and abandon you.

Use the principles of the law of attraction to bring the right energies to you. See yourself dealing only with people who are truthful. Reject all negative thoughts, replacing them with positive possibilities. Your world will change.