Hauntings from past lives

QUESTION: Masters, I have extreme claustrophobia and the older I get the worse it becomes. I remember being told to go down into a cistern and they locked the door and I drowned in black water. I also remember being a cat rescuer and I died and they ate me and crawled all over my body – I don’t like cats today, I also have vague memories of being buried alive. I can’t ride on a plane anymore it’s so bad – can you help me to clear this? ~Marlene, US

ANSWER: All these memories are life lessons from various past lives. Their common factor is being in a tight place that resulted, directly or indirectly, in your death. They are haunting your current life because each contained life lessons that you didn’t understand or learn from, and you carry the negative energy into this life in an attempt to resolve them. The intensity is increasing with age because you are remembering more and more facts and re-inserting yourself into the events.

The lesson is not dealing with confinement, but understanding the accompanying factors that resulted in your confinement. In the cistern situation you were dealing with betrayal and being controlled by others. You were a high-spirited indentured servant who was always questioning authority. Other servants were tired of you getting all of them in trouble so they decided to dispose of you. They told the master that you had run away. You died with a sense of defiance and betrayal. You need to release the anger and forgive your murderers for protecting their own interests.

In the life with the cats you were mute and could never get your thoughts across to others. It was decided you were good only for taking care of the animals at a zoo. Hard times hit the area and money was short for food. When you went into the animal enclosure with insufficient food for the cats, they panicked and went for you. You died with a sense of frustration for having no voice, which equates to being controlled by others and not having any power. The lesson is to learn to take your power back, speak up, and have confidence in yourself.

You were buried alive when you ran away and hid from tormentors. They teased you because you had a harelip before the common surgery to correct it was perfected. This lesson is to accept yourself for the magnificent soul you have inside your body. The outer shell means nothing.

If you understand and work on these old lessons, you will no longer feel confined by things beyond your control. You will see planes and cars as means of transportation, and small places as simply that – small spaces.