Is God insensitive to suffering?

QUESTION: Masters, I was thinking something, in these last days, about how God views human suffering; since he has no ego to judge good and evil, right and wrong, I wonder that he is insensitive to the suffering and despair of people and animals. How I can change your mind about that? ~Italo, Brasil

ANSWER: Your question is interesting to us because you blend human needs and desires with spiritual unconditionally loving energy. The term “god” refers to a singular persona generally associated with organized religion, which is based upon judgmental belief systems that exist only on your planet. Source – which encompasses us, you as your spiritual essence, and all beings not in the duality of Earth – is nothing but unconditionally loving energy.

Souls go to Earth to experience negative emotions and physical events because it is the only place where such activities occur. They are aware that they can learn about freedom of choice only by being in a situation where they learn to recognize negativity for what it is and choose to turn it into positive energy.

Source, as you state, does not judge what a soul may decide to experience for itself. All enlightened persons acknowledge that each soul makes its own choices for lessons. Many tests must include suffering, degradation, self-doubt, and any negative human emotional disruption. That is how people know they are in the midst of a lesson and need to understand it so they may work through it and learn from their decisions.

Those in unconditional love are not insensitive to others but rather cheer on their choices and the trials undergone to gain awareness. You should honor these souls for the difficult human things they have chosen. Without going through such incarnational “tough” times, souls cannot appreciate their own magnificence when not caught up in the duality of Earth.