Connecting to inner self

QUESTION: Masters, I am a very sensitive person; I felt the inner awakening began 5 years ago, now I am 30 years old. I have experienced things that the human mind can’t understand, in fact, sometimes I don’t. After these cycles\phases of awakenings, I got the feeling that I am back on earth; I have always felt myself as a visitor on planet earth, maybe as a student of human behavior. I am highly skilled on reading people’s attitudes\behavior and sometimes I get scared because people start calling me crazy. I believe one day I’ll be fully awake, love is the tool. I wish I could get some piece of guidance from you, masters. Am I on the right path? ~Edvaldo, Brazil

ANSWER:  You are a nonphysical soul who is having a physical experience. When you connect with your internal essence, it is a nonphysically recorded event. The human mind is physical. It is like a recording device that collects all the data you have been exposed to in the physical world. Its standard of judging what it is exposed to is within the realm of physically reproducible occurrences. If it has not been physically recorded in the past, the human mind is unable to process the activity.

Some of the experiences you have undergone have been out of body and/or astral projection events. By scientific standards these are impossible propositions. Being true to the feelings of what you have experienced allows you to maintain a history of your journeys. As you return from each travel you plop back into the physical body you inhabit.

All souls are just visiting Earth. Your essence is energetic. Your purpose for being here is to complete life lessons you set up for yourself to learn. One of the lessons is to realize you have total freedom of choice. You are not here to please others. If they don’t believe in your journey, let them say whatever they want. The only thing that is important is that you accept yourself – love is the answer, and that starts with self-love.

Being scared is one of your lessons. Fear shows you that you are accepting what others say about you as if they know more about you than you do yourself. Take responsibility for your experiences and ignore those who wish to control you. Be true to yourself and continue the trip.