The purpose of negativity

QUESTION: Masters, I am struggling to understand the concept of Earth’s duality of positivity and negativity. How do humans distinguish one from the other? Is “morality” supposed to be a guide? And what is the “object” of incarnation? Do we win at the game of life if we conquer negativity, or is incarnating meant to experience as much negativity as possible without giving up? ~Alissa, USA

ANSWER: When Source energy was the only thing that existed, it was all knowing, all powerful, all creative, and all magnificent. In the realm of Source energy there is no judgment, only the presence of unconditional love. At one point this magnificence wondered what it was like not to be perfect and in perfection at all times. In order to understand imperfection, Source had to have a place where the opposite of all its qualities could be experienced.

Source broke off pieces of itself to be test subjects to undertake this experiment. These pieces are what we call souls. They are the essential energy that animates the human bodies, like yourself and society around you. Earth was created for the purpose of giving souls the choice to remain in perfection or to use judgment to decide each step of their lifetime.

Positivity is unconditional love demonstrated with times the human body sees as blissful. Negativity is everything else. Negativity is the default setting on Earth because that is what the soul comes to experience so that it might understand what it is and decide to reject the negative by choosing the positive.

Human society is controlled by the human ego. The basic premise of humankind is that you should judge all things against each other and compare yourself to others to see if you “measure up” to what others want of you. Morality is the term society uses to impose its standards on the majority of people; it is based on judgment.

Souls come to learn about themselves – no one else. Any relationship with another has to do with life lessons that need outside stimulation. Your purpose is to “feel” what is happening to you and decide if it is something you wish to continue experiencing or if you don’t like it and need to move on.

Lessons are given to you via negativity. It is for you to see they are not loving and to choose to find the love. Thinking about it, instead of feeling, allows all the thoughts given to you by others to take charge; then you are following the standards of society, not exercising your freedom of choice.