Help me help myself

QUESTION: I’ve been in the same relationship for almost 7 years now, living with my boyfriend for 6 years. I have on and off felt like moving on in order to feel more deeply reconnected with myself. He supports me in various ways, but I don’t always feel I can carve out the intimate, spiritual, and spontaneous space I need for “me.” He’s certainly been a grounding force, but I wonder if it’s time to move on. What do the Masters feel, sense, or see? ~Vivian, USA

ANSWER: We see all that is currently going on in your life, what the tendencies are for future activity conditioned—as it is for each soul—on your use of freedom of choice to go forward with your current intentions, and also all the possibilities you will precipitate. We sense that people in your life would like to have someone tell them what to do so they don’t have to take responsibility for their actions. We see that your boyfriend is extremely third dimensional, and that is why he grounds you so well.

You are awakening more and more into the essence of your energy. The environment within which you live restricts the sensitivity you may use to enhance your progress. Your setting is very judgmental and third dimensional. It is difficult to “feel” how situations affect your growth when you “see” things as the ego world interprets them.

Everything you do is governed by your freedom to choose what you wish to experience. Nothing is right or wrong because you learn from every action you undertake. If you stay as you are, your progress will be slow but you will gather strength from the encounter. If you move on, you will have loads of decisions to make and your self-esteem and self-worth issues will come into play. Just remember, you are in the driver’s seat and have the ability to choose the route.