Can you reconcile the teachings of Jesus?

QUESTION: Masters, I would like to know how you reconcile the teachings of Jesus such as: love thy neighbor as thyself, the 10 Commandments, (one being “thou shalt not kill”), suffer the little children to come unto me and many more. Through your books it appears that the lessons of life are if you want to ‘understand’ or ‘live your next life’ being a murderer or a rapist, it is necessary for you to have a soul or souls who will be the murderer or rape victims for you to have your experience. How therefore do the teachings of the soul Jesus fit into your teachings? What is the point of fighting injustice for the poor or abused when it is what the ‘poor and abused’ wanted to experience anyway? You may as well just sit back and watch the ‘inhumanity to man’ and ignore the saying: ‘Evil only exists when good men do nothing’! A conundrum I think! ~Pippa, UK

ANSWER: You might just as well have asked us to reconcile the Torah, Koran, Kojiki, Bhagavad Gita, or the Rules of Confucianism with the scriptures of the various religious organizations. Jesus was a soul who came to Earth at a period in linear time when a teacher was needed to help the people start to think on their own and not just follow the mandates of their kings, owners, or overlords. He also arrived to be a “way-shower” to allow everyone to see they had the ability to connect to their soul energy and return to their origin at will.

All of the teachings above are rule books to create belief systems directing the behavior of a group of individuals. Each one was devised at a time when what it contained was needed for the growth of the people. Just as you now have a choice of which directives you will allow to remain in your belief system, all souls have that choice. Unfortunately, most are unaware they have a choice, so they blindly follow the direction of a teacher or leader without questioning.

Any rule or belief automatically incorporates ideas about right and wrong. Do this or be punished with consequences. Negativity exists only there on planet Earth, so this is not something that is a part of your eternal unconditionally loving existence.

You try to equate life lessons with the rules of belief systems and it cannot be done. Life lessons are chosen by a soul to allow it to have experiences in the duality of Earth that exist only there. Each soul makes its own choices. Your point of fighting injustice for the poor or abused is wishful thinking for creating a perfect world, but it is also a desire to be able to control what is happening around you.

Your journey is all about you, and you alone. Program your own experiences, learn about yourself, and spend time in the unconditional love that is your essence. Let all the other souls do the same, even if they choose something you find abhorrent.