Shifting into consciousness

QUESTION: Masters, over the past few years I have been feeling a shift in my perception of the world and my place in it. I have been on a search for my purpose and it seems to consume my every thought. Although I still contribute to society as a “good citizen” I feel like it is all a facade. I so badly want to make a shift into my own self-sufficiency. I no longer want my livelihood to depend on whether or not I am doing my job well. I live in the city with my wife and we both agree that our lives are meant to be elsewhere but don’t know where to start. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. ~Ainsley, Canada

ANSWER: You have become aware that there are non-physical energies all around you. This changes the way you function in the world. From your youth you were programmed by parents and society for every action you took, and now you are taking a closer look and deciding if their rules fit your desired lifestyle. To live in the flow of the universe you have to be fluid—your perception will constantly be shifting.

The sensation is like the man who came from a very small town where he had lived his whole life and then saw his first big city. There is confusion and an attempt to have the environment fit into your history. You have to ask who you want to be. Your purpose is to find the answers to the questions: Who are you? What do you want to experience in this lifetime?

You are still trying to be a part of your upbringing by contributing to society and being a good citizen—but what does that mean? You are saying that someone out there knows better than you what you should do. Throw out any tendencies you find yourself attached to, and with each situation in life ask: what do I feel I want to do? No “shoulds,” no “musts”—those come from people outside you. Honor yourself and follow your feelings. Your life will change into a resonance with your soul.