Illnesses and life lessons

QUESTION: Masters, recently our stay-in housekeeper who has become like family to us returned home to care for her mother who suffered a stroke, only to be diagnosed with stage 2 brain cancer. For now at least she is opting for traditional therapies and not for the operation advised by doctors. Based on your advice to others on the website, I have suggested that she might be able to heal through meditative techniques and energetic healing remedies. Since I have not been successfully able to do so for my own chronic condition, I feel inadequate to advise her. What can / should she do? Is being healed against part of her life lessons that cannot be changed? We love her dearly and hope she will live long. She is still so very young. Also, why has this happened to her? We have been staying in rather un-ideal conditions. Has this contributed to her condition? ~LW, Singapore

ANSWER: Your housekeeper is on her own journey filled with life lessons that involve making decisions concerning her human condition. Her current tests were not brought on by any living situation. She is very sensitive and does feel compassion for people and sometimes picks up their need to be victims or to struggle with serious issues.

Not everyone is able to reverse a medical condition with meditative and energetic methods. All the reasons for the disease to exist play a part in the process of bringing the system back into healthy balance. In some cases the modern medical intervention has been made a part of the lesson, and surgery or chemical medications are necessary to reach a conclusion. Each soul must make its own decisions to complete the lesson.

Medical problems are sometimes the base upon which other lessons ride. Many of these are common situations, such as lack of self-confidence, self-love, or self-worth, or refusing to be responsible for yourself—but definitely not accepting the powerful essence of your soul. Souls have the ability to accomplish whatever they set out to do. They determine these goals before they leave Home. Once a situation is set in motion, they use their freedom of choice to try to understand what was desired.

There are certain things they cannot work through back to health, because that was not the intended lesson. Relax in all matters. Follow the fear and doubts that outline your chosen tasks, and then work to remove the impediments and flow forward.