Belt and/or suspenders

QUESTION: Masters, when someone has been diagnosed with cancer, a typical treatment will employ radiation and chemotherapy which then depletes the immune system leaving them open to infection. Would it be better for that person to concentrate on holding in mind an unequivocal intention to be well, or to play it both ways and accept chemo in addition to energy work?

ANSWER: Medical doctors see only a disease afflicting their patient. Almost all are unaware that what debilitates the human body does so for the soul-growth of that person. Each element that places the body out of balance does so for the soul to learn what it is like to be unbalanced, and what is needed to bring it back into balance.

Your question cannot be answered without a consideration of the particular patient involved. Does the soul have a contract with family and friends to be a victim with whose illness they need to deal? Did the soul ask to be in a situation of believing punishment is deserved and so has called cancer in to be the instrument? Is the energetic imbalance, which the doctors are calling cancer, a learning experience for the soul dealing with faith and trust in one’s own divinity? Is the soul wishing to be at the mercy of others through enduring chemotherapy and radiation?

If this is a lesson in faith and trust in one’s own power, if the soul’s intention is strong enough, and no other lessons were involved, there would be no need for modern medical treatments. However, if people cannot rid themselves completely of the doubt in their own power, then the treatment would be suspenders for the gentlemen who are sure that their belt alone will not hold up their trousers!