Communication continues

QUESTION: Masters, I lost my oldest son in January 2007 and miss him terribly. But I know and believe that it was his time to return to spirit as he had completed all he came to do here in his Earth life. We have had many lives together and agreed that he would make his exit before I did in this life. The love connection with him is so very strong and unconditional. I have spoken to him many times in spirit and advised that my job is to write a book of our communications, and the fact that we do not die. I cannot however get myself to work on getting this book together. Much is completed but my mind does not stay on track. I feel ‘scattered’ and possibly letting him down bothers me so much. Is this confusion I am having with thought a way of spirit telling me to just take a break and return to the book at a later date? ~Kathleen, USA

ANSWER: Yours is a beautiful story of learning about your true essence while still in human form. Your and your son’s souls have been together in a number of lifetimes. In each you have taken turns to be the stimulus for one of you to complete the story of the pair. This time is for your completion.

There is no timetable; there is not even a mandatory compliance. You are free to choose what to do and when to do it. Souls on the other side never intend to put pressure on those still in body form. Your son is just subtly reminding you of the action you felt you wanted to fulfill in this lifetime. He will not be disappointed, or entertain the thought that you have let him down, if you don’t complete the work.

Your problem is the closeness you had with your son, and still feel for him. When going into your story you yearn for him to be physically with you. The important message of your work is life after death and the way you have proven to your human body that it exists.

Take some time if you choose, or start with baby steps. Outline the chapters; write the ones that are fact based and not emotionally charged first. Don’t feel you have to write it from start to finish. Take sections that flow and fit them together later. Your problem has been trying to be too organized, and then you feel scattered because an important part comes pushing forward to be attended to before others.

Go with the flow of the energy that surrounds you. Let your freedom to choose your direction take over. Your son will always be there cheering you on, but not exerting pressure—you do that yourself.