Did I help an alien?

QUESTION: Masters, I saw sparkling blue dots and then a beautiful Blue Lady with long blue dress and diadem. She asked me to help her to go back to her own planet. And I did it in my way. Was it true or my only imagination? Maria, Finland

ANSWER: Souls may choose to incarnate on planets other than Earth. A lot of these beings can travel at will to other destinations. Your lady was one such visitor. What she had not anticipated was the effect the dense Earth atmosphere would have upon her energy. When she tried to transport back to her planet she did not have enough energy—she was out of fuel, so to speak.

This was not a figment of your imagination. When you possessed the intention to help her return it allowed you to funnel through you, to her, universal life-force energy sufficient to permit her to break away from your density and return to her own planet. She is very grateful for your assistance.