Ascension facts

QUESTION: Masters, when people on Earth ascend in this lifetime, what will happen to married couples and families? Will all married couples and their children be living together after ascension, assuming all of them are able to ascend, even if they are from different soul groups? I’m from a different soul group from the woman I love deeply and truly, as I’m a much older soul. I wish very much to be with her after ascension. Please advise. ~Adrian, Singapore

ANSWER: Once they leave the duality of planet Earth, souls are able to do whatever they desire. What soul group people belong in does not restrict them to a particular place. Very few souls truly ascend from the human experience. In order to ascend they must have mastered that which they came to Earth to experience.

Some people refer to the transition from the death of the human body as an ascension, since the soul may return Home to the unconditional love of Source. The intention they have at the time of departure sets the stage for the soul immediately after leaving Earth. You have lived many lifetimes and have loved dozens of other souls as dearly and truly as you love your current spouse. You may be with any or all of them when you are in soul form.

From your question, we assume that you are talking about the discussion currently ongoing concerning possible changes happening in 2012. Because of the huge number of enlightened souls on the planet at this time, the exact result of this transition period is not certain. What most people are calling an “ascension” process is merely a mass exodus from the planet. This will occur as a normal transition into soul form. However, a soul group may manifest a place to maintain their physical form with other souls, but all such souls would have to be at the same vibration and generate the same manifestation to remain together.