Unwelcome occupants

QUESTION: Masters, I am a spa owner and all employees but me see strange things going on in the spa. They see some creature in white, sometimes in black, and the opening and closing of doors when nobody is present. I don’t know what to do. Please give me some advice. I am desperate.  ~Jadranka, USA

ANSWER: Your shop has some negative energies that are hanging around the discarnate soul who is calling your place “home.” This soul, a lady, is not ready to move on yet. She is very sensitive and feels that you would not understand her, so she has not made any effort to be seen by you; in other words, you scare her. Strange, you say, that a ghost can be scared by a human? Not so; when the departed do not know or accept they are deceased, they will stay away from strong energies out of fear.

When people die and their souls do not go back to the unconditional love that we call Home, holding themselves here causes negative energy. Negativity attracts additional negativity. In your spa, your clients bring in a lot of negative energy that is causing them problems they seek to have you remove. That energy is then staying around instead of dissipating.

The first step is to chase away the negative energy. This can be done with candles, incense, or sage. Negative energy flees from the flames and the smell. Also have your practitioners consciously shake off the energies they receive from their clients so they do not spread it around. If they are feeling “heavy,” suggest they take a salt bath or shower to remove the residue.

Second is to get your occupant to move on. She died in the vicinity of your spa many years ago. It occurred during a storm when her house was struck by lightning and burned down. Her child was trapped inside with her and died as well. The child moved on, but she is still looking for her.

If you (or someone you know) can speak to the deceased, talk to the lady and convince her she is dead. You may call for her daughter to come from the other side to prove that she is all right, then she can accompany her mother Home. Once she has gone into the light there will be no more doors slamming or visions of her wandering. She does not mean to harm or frighten anyone.