Archive for September 25th, 2018

The soul’s power over the body

Tuesday, September 25th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, I am learning that I am not my thoughts, I am the observer of my thoughts. So being aware of this, I can begin to notice when my thoughts go to negative patterns. I can then begin to change my thoughts to something more positive and intentional. I am making a choice. I have wondered about diseases like depression, alcoholism, gambling, etc. We are learning that these diseases can be a symptom of a chemical imbalance of the brain. So, these diseases may not be a choice. My question is what is the best strategy to treat these diseases? Are drugs that affect the chemical imbalance the answer? Or, can we affect a change by changing our thought patterns?  I feel that we may not understand how much power we have to shift our thinking. That changes our intentions, then our actions?  Can you advise? ~Aj, US

[In compliance with US law, the Spirit Masters do not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions. Their observations are spirit-based and concern life lessons. Readers may like to review details of the Masters’ booklet/ebook on healing.]

ANSWER: The human experience is a soul deciding to come into the duality for the purpose of learning about choices. A soul is a piece of Source energy, having been broken off from it. Therefore, each soul is omnipotent and has the ability to create, manipulate, and control all aspects of its human existence.

This is not a carte blanche power since the soul has handicapped itself with conditions created to enable it to be presented with very specific lessons – as, in this case, ones concerning addictions. The restrictions enabled for addictions may be mental, emotional, genetic, or chemical in nature. The learning aspect is understanding the nature of the problem and implementing choices to reverse its effects.

The first step always involves the subject’s realizing it needn’t continue with the affliction but has the ability to modify its life. A majority of the populace feels they have no choice in life. The spiritual path is in the realization that each person is in control of their own human future.

Everyone’s thoughts arise out of the belief systems they have developed throughout life. They are composed of things told to them by family, teachers, and society. Because it is easier, most just accept without question what others say and hold to those beliefs. These will unconsciously control people’s behavior unless/until they decide to change them.

Changing your beliefs redirects your entire existence. It is possible to have an effect upon your physical condition by the “ideas” you accept as possibilities. If you feel you can change your mental state, and you proceed unquestionably and unconditionally, you will find that it works. Any doubts and it will fail.

In severe disruption cases, it is necessary to intervene medically, such as with a medication, to allow the conscious mind to have the understanding necessary to help direct future thoughts and actions. Changing the intentions then overrides the need for further medication.

The soul, within the body, is incredibly powerful. The person must first accept that principle, believe they can use it, and then have the intention to create what they desire.

Numbers in healing

Tuesday, September 25th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, thank you for everything. What happened to my ear that is still blocked after the infection? It was related with that thought that was repeating in my head at work? What can I do to drain this fluid and to restore my hearing back to normal? I know that I can, but I “can’t” see what to do or what healing technique to use. I am using Grabovoi but it’s seems that I am not using the right numbers? Please, can you help me? ~Edws, Canada

[In compliance with US law, the Spirit Masters do not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions. Their observations are spirit-based and concern life lessons. Readers may like to review details of the Masters’ booklet/ebook on healing.]

ANSWER: Energy is everything and everything is energy. Energy is affected by vibrations, and vibrations begin with a change or disruption in the stillness of existence. Many recognizable human actions can create patterns within the energy that cause changes and rebalancing of the physical being, resulting in minor, or even drastic, changes in the physical condition.

Grigori Grabovoi is a Russian mathematician who has documented the power of sequences of numbers to affect energy and, therefore, everything existing in that energy. Any expressed intention, whether it be in words, color, or symbols, has an effect on the energy around you.

Grabovoi’s numbers are both vocally oriented and symbolic with the formation of the digits. The sequences and repetitions create patterns of vibration that reach out to contact physical structures, impacting them and changing their internal vibrations. As one size does not always fit all, suggested patterns may have to be modified slightly to accomplish a desired goal. Experiment.

Your current condition has nothing to do with what occurred at work. There is a thickening inside the ear from the infection and you must work to reduce it. Continue using the numbers and reinforce them with your intention for your body to return to balance. Feel universal life force energy being brought into your body, removing obstructions and healing everything it touches.

Botanicals for healing

Tuesday, September 25th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, tell me about the effects of Bach and saint german floral on the body. What do they actually do with the vibration of the four bodies? I have seen reports of people getting rid of chronic pain, diseases of all kinds and even envy. But I would like your point of view on the effects, I started my treatment has a week. ~Maressa, Brazil

[In compliance with US law, the Spirit Masters do not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions. Their observations are spirit-based and concern life lessons. Readers may like to review details of the Masters’ booklet/ebook on healing.]

ANSWER: For centuries healers have used botanicals of one sort or another in their healing practices. The most common categories are herbs, flower essences, aromatherapy, etc. Homeopathy has incorporated these substances to sensitize the human body to assist in the rebalancing of an out of balance (ill or diseased) body.

One of the basic principles behind all these practices is that each illness is specific to the patient and, therefore, everyone must be treated individually. Sometimes it is necessary to moderate an energetic sensation afflicting a person, such as a depression or other personality trait, or to deal with a physical ailment contracted by exposure to a causative agent.

The most important aspect of all medicinal treatment is the thought process of the patient. They must have a faith in the outcome of the ongoing treatment. If they have any doubts that they will be “healed,” they will never reach full health again. Intention is the controlling and driving factor of all vibrational healing.

Accept the possibilities, believe they will occur, and perform the needed activities to the body so that the physical shell may be renewed as the energetic bodies are being reformed.