Archive for June 10th, 2014

Recognizing your strengths

Tuesday, June 10th, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, throughout my life I have been bullied by others. I am now at university and dealing with a very ego-centric, vindictive person in a shared house. He is manipulative, selfish and insults me and others with no regard for social boundaries at all. This person has upset me a great deal in the last year; however he has bags of charisma and energy and tries to control everyone in our friendship circle. What lesson am I supposed to learn from this experience? Have I attracted this? And why does he behave in this way? Is he a truly evil person? ~Jay, Finland

ANSWER: This life, you have chosen to deal with a lesson of low self-esteem. This makes it easy to be bullied because you take everything very personally and accept some of the nasty comments as being truthful. It’s as if you are asking bullies to abuse you. You don’t think you are worthy of being one of the top guys, and you judge others by what you see.

You can only be upset if you allow yourself to be. To be upset, you have to believe that the taunts of your abuser are more truthful than the reality of your life. In other words, you are saying that this person knows more about who you are than you do. It is time to take back your power, to make your own decisions about what is happening around you and who you are.

It is possible to remain in this living situation if you ignore the antics of the bully. Whenever he starts in on you or someone in your presence, step back for a moment and analyze what is happening. See him as a scared little boy who uses his mouth to make himself important. If you don’t give him any respect for his actions, he will remain as a blowhard jerk trying to intimidate those who let him. By ignoring him, you will prick his inflated balloon and all the air will escape.

Accept yourself as a soul who is a piece of Source with all the powers and abilities of Source. These will stay out of sight and use until you allow yourself to believe you have these powers. Go into the core of your being where this energy is always present. First find the unconditional love that is there and then all the other abilities. Progress will come slowly at first, but when you find your strength you will be able to do anything you desire.

Your bully uses this characteristic to hide from his insecurities. It is part of his life lessons. He is not an evil person, just a person who feels safe surrounded by negativity. If you send positive love energy in his direction, he will not know what to do with it.

Your freedom of choice permits you to take the negativity that has plagued you your whole life and replace it with positive love energy. Love the life you can live. As people try to suck you in with negative actions, repel them with the knowledge that the choice is yours.

Releasing negative attachments

Tuesday, June 10th, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, I would like to ask what your take is on therapies that work with removing entities and “demons” and the claims being made by therapists who are working in this field. I am currently reading Dr Shakuntala Modi’s work (a licensed psychiatrist) on releasing entities and “demonic” attachment and claims most illnesses and disturbances are caused by demonic entities attaching to us and by releasing them immense healing occurs in her clients. Is this true or is part of the projection of the subconscious mind which is healing itself using this therapy? ~Jay, England

ANSWER: Life lessons come to souls on Earth as negative experiences. Demons, and discarnates that don’t want to go home, are pure negativity and help provide a stage for life lessons. Not all of the negativity found in life lessons is the result of demons. It is good press to be able to associate bad things with beasties.

Dr. Modi and others have done great work with clients using regressive hypnosis. Returning to a strong negative lesson that you were unable to understand in another life, or even earlier in this life, permits you to see the lesson in another light and gives a second chance to complete your work of learning.

Only a small percentage of incomplete life lessons are caused by the interference of a demon. People may also have difficulty working with their own problems if they are surrounded by negative entities that do not want completion. Finishing a negative lesson allows souls to bring in positive love energy that chases away the negative beings; they don’t like to be sent away so they fight the process.

Those who have invited, consciously or unconsciously, a negative attachment to join their life can always benefit from help to remove the attachment. Releasement of negativity may be done through hypnosis, a spiritual healer, or the people themselves consciously withdrawing permission for the entity to be there.

Prevention will occur if souls learn to replace negative thoughts and energy with positive clear thoughts, activities, and energy. Being surrounded by negativity, without having it attached, also may cause illnesses and other difficulties. People want to be able to say that one plus one always equals two, but when seen another way, it equals eleven.

Doing away with life lessons

Tuesday, June 10th, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, I wonder why I find it so difficult to translate my spiritual belief to my body and in that way to be able to let go of the bodily issues I have. For instance my itchy rash under my left foot. And why can´t I let go of the migraine I get every month. And why can´t my son let go of his heaviness? And why is it so many young people suffers from ME? (chronic fatigue)? ~Anne, Norway

ANSWER: You are asking for a way to get rid of all the indications of your life lessons without learning the reason for their presence. Negativity is the outward way for you to know you have an issue with which you have not dealt.

Spiritual growth may be undertaken while there are still lessons to be completed. It should make it easier for you to understand that each task must be handled separately. It is possible to let go of ego and judgment and still not have recognized a lesson signal in your physical being.

You are dealing also with beliefs that you feel you cannot overcome. Your foot is showing you that your movement in life is being hindered. Since the problem appears in your left foot, you are hesitating in moving forward with a project because you fear you will not succeed. The headaches are a reflection of internal balances that vacillate each month, and an indication that you feel overwhelmed with your life in general.

Your son and all the others you mentioned are facing their own difficulties. It is up to them to discover these issues and decide how to manage them, and to learn about themselves from uncovering the answers.

Have each ask: “Why am I feeling this way?” whenever a problem arises. By going into the feeling, you can arrive at the cause, which is the lesson you are trying to understand. Once you know the message, you can resolve it and not have to face it again.