Archive for November 8th, 2011

Psychology and Spirituality

Tuesday, November 8th, 2011

QUESTION: Masters, I work as a psychological counselor, and would like to inject spirituality into my method of working since it’s always been a strong personal interest of mine. In essence, I would like to fuse the classic psychological schools of thought with spiritual elements in the method of support that I offer. The how of it all still eludes me though; I can’t seem to bring them both ‘on the same page.’ (Probably because the classic psychology training that I had didn’t pay any attention to the spiritual element in human experience, and even looks down upon it, still.) ~Gert, Belgium

ANSWER: Jung and Freud interjected spirituality into their work by considering that there was more than a physical side to their patients. They just never wrote it into their techniques because it couldn’t be physically substantiated. The problem you have found with an integration of modern techniques and daily life comes out when you consider that the definition of psychology is the science of the mind and the behaviors it exhibits.

Spirituality deals not with the conscious mind but with the soul, which does not dictate behaviors, nor is it part of your consciousness. The soul consists of unconditional love, has no judgmental capabilities, and follows no set rules based on belief systems.

The easiest way for you to use spirituality within your practice is to lead a life based on its principles. Feel the need your patients have for change and the way to obtain it. All souls are different, and comparing them to norms is doing them a disservice. Help them to see that most of their difficulties come from a lack of awareness that they have freedom of choice. They need to approach their fears and doubts as signposts for the life lessons they have chosen. By going into these, they pinpoint the blockages and can learn their way through.

Animals and souls

Tuesday, November 8th, 2011

QUESTION: Masters, before the advent of human beings on Earth, how did souls learn life lessons? Also, if everything is a part of Source, why do animals not have souls? It seems cruel to subject animals to negative conditions imposed upon them by human life lessons. What is the purpose of this? ~Gloria, USA

ANSWER: The simple answer to your first question is, they didn’t! Earth was set up specifically with learning lessons in mind since no other previous place had a duality that allowed for choices to be made during a learning process. Souls just had experiences in these other places, without needing to use their freedom of choice to learn both what their essence was and what it was not. All these situations existed in unconditional love. When Source and its souls wanted to better understand their essence, Earth was envisioned and then created as an arena for that purpose.

Everything is energy, but not all energy is Source. All souls are Source energy. Souls were individualized from Source to provide a way to experience what was not unconditional love. Animals, since they are not capable of responding emotionally rather than intellectually or instinctively (i.e., not exhibiting sentient qualities), cannot plan life lessons for themselves. Animals also do not need to learn life lessons. Plants are in the same situation, being energy but not containing souls.

Not all animals on the planet are subjected to negativity generated by the life lessons of others. Some, particularly beloved house pets, have lives that are envied by many. That is not to say that if souls choose to experience a life as an animal for some reason or other, they are unable to do so. A very small percentage of souls do choose to experience animal, reptilian, and/or avian existences. They may wish to have the sensation of the natural characteristics defining a particular species.

It was only after animals were domesticated that such thoughts as yours arose. Prior to raising animals, people saw them simply as a means for sustaining life. The animals were the teachers. They taught humans how to work together, protect themselves, use fire to increase their nutritional intake from otherwise inedible flesh, cover their bodies with skins, and benefit from using animals to assist them. They enabled many souls to learn confidence and self-worth while exciting their creativity. Animals are tools for many people and purposes.

Manifesting through a lesson

Tuesday, November 8th, 2011

QUESTION: Masters, my husband and I are having financial difficulties. I have been trying very hard to intentionally CREATE abundance in our finances and CREATE the life that I (we) desire. I am trying to trust, release and KNOW my power. How can I (we) get past those blocks and get the lesson? We are both exhausted with this lesson. I feel like we are “almost” there. ~Lisa, Canada

ANSWER: First, and foremost, the spiritual journey is a solitary thing. You cannot do anything for your husband. He must do it for himself. Your manifestation and creativity must relate to your needs. If either of you has a life lesson that involves an aspect of poverty, as a couple, you will not be able to manifest wealth until you deal with that energy. You chose each other because you were aware of the other’s choices in life.

It is important to examine your feelings about money. It is an energy exchange for the amount of effort put into producing it. Money is not a human entitlement. Being energy itself, money senses all the energy surrounding it. If either of you sends out negative or doubting energy concerning its connection to you, it holds back the return of finances. Thoughts and actions are very decisive in the results of your work.

You have the power to bring to you that which you desire if it does not interfere with a life lesson. You have no lesson in poverty preventing wealth from accumulating in this existence. Your husband has no issues with money, either, but he has lessons around self-worth and confidence. His ego-based concerns about what others think of him and his business prevent him from escaping the belief systems by which they expect him to live. To move forward he needs to examine why he feels, thinks, and performs the way he does.