Mental illness and the soul
Wednesday, July 7th, 2010QUESTION: Masters, I felt that I had met my twin flame. We had such a strong connection that I had often had visions of us being a complete green swirling circle. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia two years after we were married. Because of our intense love we had agreed we would want the other person to move on with their life if anything happened to one of us. This conversation was the only thing that allowed me to continue my life. Was he my twin flame? If someone is mentally ill, is their soul trapped in their body until the body dies? Is his soul here in my life still somehow, through my children maybe? ~Sharon, USA
ANSWER: Your husband was not your twin flame but he is a member of your soul group—the small group with which you frequently incarnate so it might help you with your life lessons. You have spent many lifetimes with this soul, and your energy, when not interfered with, is very much in synchronization.
Your discussion on moving on from your marriage in the event of a problem was done so that you might be able to see the lesson involved from a different perspective. Your husband wanted to experience mental confusion to see if he could find a way to stabilize himself. He has not been able to do so. You wanted to deal with issues of guilt and responsibility and are doing well with them.
His soul is still contained within that body as much as anyone else’s is present. Souls within human bodies have the ability to move their consciousness in and out, to visit other places to accomplish needed tasks, and to just sustain a minimal contact with the original body to keep it alive. A soul is never “trapped” since it has freedom of choice to do and go where it chooses.
All souls have an energetic contact with all other souls. The ability to feel this contact requires the acceptance and belief that it is so. You will never lose all the time you have spent with his soul each time you have been together. Your memories, even of the short time in this life, will remain alive if you choose.